Introduction To Trenbolone
Trenbolone is widely considered to be one of the most powerful steroids known to man because not only can it supercharge muscle growth due to its ability to improve protein synthesis, but it can also increase performance and burn body fat. Subsequently it can be used for both bulking and cutting cycles.
Trenbolone is actually five times more powerful than testosterone with regards to its anabolic and androgenic effects, which gives you an idea of just how effective it is, and doesn’t aromatize to estrogen, which is always a concern for male bodybuilders.
The problem of course it that it is illegal for people to use and is still associated with numerous other side effects because injectable trenbolone was originally given to cattle to build them up before slaughter and was never intended to be used by humans.
So in this article I want to look at this particular steroid in more detail, and highlight some of the safe and legal alternatives that are available if you are looking to obtain the same kind of benefits yourself.
Side Effects
Although trenbolone doesn’t convert into female hormones or cause water retention, male breast enlargement is still a possibility in sensitive individuals and there are numerous other harmful side effects that users should be aware of. These include the following:
- acne
- insomnia
- anxiety
- rapid heart rate
- hair loss
- high blood pressure
- altered cholesterol levels
- suppressed testosterone levels
- reduced sex drive
- erectile dysfunction
Safe Alternatives To Trenbolone
The only way to enjoy the same kind of benefits that Trenbolone offers without any of the harmful side effects is to forget about trying to obtain this steroid illegally, and instead take some of the safe alternatives that are available.
These are usually available in supplement form and are commonly made using natural ingredients that are free of any side effects, such as natural plant extracts and amino acids, for instance. They can also be bought online without a prescription as they are 100% legal.
The goal is to increase muscle without water retention, just like the genuine trenbolone steroids, whilst at the same time promoting fat burning and increasing performance, and customer reviews suggest that some of the best supplements generally manage to do just that.
Trenbolone Reviews
Here are two of the most effective alternatives to trenbolone that are made using a proprietary blend of safe and natural ingredients:
Trenorol (from Crazy Bulk)
safe alternative to trenbolone
- no harmful side effects
- made from natural ingredients
- boosts strength and stamina
- increases muscle mass
- hardens muscles
- promotes fat burning
- shortens recovery times
- can be stacked with other Crazy Bulk supplements
- suitable for bulking and cutting cycles
- available to buy online without prescription
- results seen within 30 days
→ Click here to learn more about Trenorol
→ Click here to buy Trenorol online
Trenbolonee 150 (from
safe and natural trenbolone pills
- no known side effects
- improves protein synthesis and nitrogen retention
- has positive effect on testosterone and HGH
- increases strength and stamina
- promotes muscle growth
- helps to burn fat
- available to buy online without prescription
- can be stacked with other supplements
- come with full 90-day money-back guarantee
→ Click here to learn more about Trenbolonee 150
→ Click here to buy Trenbolonee 150 online
Trenbolone Results
You will find that both of these trenbolone alternatives have helped people achieve their goals, and do indeed seem to replicate the effects of trenbolone safely and effectively.
If you read some of the customer reviews for both products, you will see that many people have managed to build solid muscle mass without water retention, whilst at the same time losing some excess body fat to create a more ripped appearance.
For example one user called Carl used Trenorol for just 4 weeks and managed to gain 7 lbs of lean muscle during this time, with a 2% reduction in body fat.
Another user called David reported similar results because he also used this product for 4 weeks and reported that he increased muscle mass and lost 3% body fat during this time, which is evident from the before and after picture below:
So the point is that these products really do seem to work, and appear to be a much better option than using dangerous steroids such as trenbolone.