D-BAL Is A Safe Alternative To Dianabol That Can Increase Strength And Stamina And Help You Achieve Huge Muscle Gains Without Any Side Effects…
safe and legal alternative to Dianabol
- increases nitrogen retention
- boosts protein synthesis
- increases strength and stamina
- promotes fast muscle growth
- results seen within 30 days
- no prescription required
- no adverse side effects
Click here to learn more about D-BAL
As you may be aware, Dianabol (also known as methandrostenolone) has always been one of the most powerful anabolic steroids that you can use if you want to experience huge muscle gains.
That’s why many bodybuilders continue to use it on a regular basis, despite the fact that it is actually illegal in many countries and is linked to a number of adverse side effects, which include acne, male pattern baldness, gynecomastia, high blood pressure, liver damage and increased risk of cardiomyopathy.
The good news, however, is that there is now a safe and legal supplement that you can buy that offers the same kind of muscle-enhancing benefits as Dianabol, but without any of the harmful side effects.
This product has been developed by Crazy Bulk and is called D-BAL, and it is this product that I want to review in more detail.
What Is D-BAL And How Does It Work?
As I mentioned above, D-BAL has been developed by a company called Crazy Bulk, who have created a range of legal steroid alternatives that can be purchased online without a prescription, and this is their alternative to Dianabol.
Indeed this particular product is one of their biggest sellers because it is said to be very effective for those people who are looking to increase their overall strength and build some serious muscle mass.
The reason why it works so well is because its combination of safe, natural ingredients (isoleucine, valine, leucine and tribulus terrestris) has been blended with whey protein concentrate to help create the ultimate anabolic state required for muscle growth.
It does this by increasing nitrogen retention in the muscle tissues and enhancing protein synthesis, which ultimately leads to large gains in both muscle growth and size.
Customer Results
If you check out the testimonials page on the Crazy Bulk website, you will see that quite a few people have had some excellent results taking this safe alternative to Dianabol.
Here is a before and after photo from James P, who had no muscle mass at all before he started taking this supplement:
After just one month he managed to gain 20 pounds of lean muscle mass and was able to lift 30-60 pounds more when performing various different strength-building exercises in the gym.
Another user called James also achieved similar results because he added 50 kg to his bench press in just four weeks and reported that he had a lot more energy as well. Here is his before and after photo:
Many other users have reported noticeable increases in strength and muscle mass as well, so this supplement clearly does produce results when used as part of a regular strength training program in the gym.
How Quickly Can You See Results?
You should start to see muscle gains fairly quickly when using D-BAL because it is said to be a fast-acting formula.
Several people have reported noticeable gains in just four weeks, but the makers of this product suggest taking D-BAL as part of an 8-week cycle for optimum results (and following this up with a one and a half-week rest period if you want to continue taking this supplement).
This supplement should be taken every day, even on rest days, and you should take a total of 3 per day (1 with each of your main meals). When you’re working out, you should take the full dosage 45 minutes after your workout.
Side Effects
The major benefit of this product is that unlike Dianabol, there are no side effects associated with this product. Therefore you don’t have to worry about it raising your blood pressure or damaging your liver or your kidneys, for example.
Where To Buy D-BAL
If you would like to buy this D-BAL supplement, it is available from the Crazy Bulk website, who are based in the UK but can ship this product all over the world for a small delivery charge (delivery is free if you live in the UK, Europe or the US).
A 1-month supply is available for $59.99 (or £35.95), but it is recommended that you buy a 2-month supply to complete a full cycle and to achieve optimum results, and if you do, you can currently get a third bottle completely free of charge.
→ Click here to visit the D-BAL product page
Additional Stacking Options
Like so many of these steroid alternatives, D-BAL works very well on its own, but if you really want to see some explosive muscle gains and are looking to really bulk up over the next month or two, you might want to invest in Crazy Bulk’s Bulking Stack (pictured right) because this includes D-BAL, Testo Max, DecaDuro and Trenorol.
You might also want to think about buying the Ultimate Stack because this includes these four products as well as Clenbutrol and Anadrole, which are their safe alternatives to Clenbuterol and A-Drol respectively.
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